Tony Milillo was one of the original members to join our association and was a charter member. Tony was a hardworking, dedicated member who made some outstanding contributions to our group. His experience, vast knowledge of gambling disorders, and presentations were extremely helpful to all of us in the gambling field. Tony died suddenly while attending a gambling conference out of state. In appreciation for his outstanding contributions and dedication to the gambling community, APTPG established the Tony Milillo award and every year APTPG presents this award to one of our members for the contributions that they made to our association.
2008 - Ray Ortiz
2009 - Jeff Beck
2010 - Marty Tashman
2011 - Al Gesregan
2012 - Brenda Pateman
2013 - Steve Block
2014 - Donna Frandsen
2015 - Don Weinbaum
2016 - Allan Wright
2017 - Gloria Block
2018 - George Mladenetz
2019 - Dana Lugassy
2020 - Fran Gizzi
2021 - Kevin O'Neill
2022 - Ken Litwak
2023 - Lisa Fobian